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How do I know the length of the graphic string in pixels

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 3:59 am
by Eugene Lutsenko
How do I know the pixel length and height of the graphic string

Re: How do I know the length of the graphic string in pixels

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:52 am
by Tom
DC_GraQueryTextbox(cString,cFont) will return the needed size for displaying 'cString' in font 'cFont', i.e.:

Code: Select all

? DC_GraQueryTextbox('Eugene Lutsenko','10.Arial') // {101,16}

Re: How do I know the length of the graphic string in pixels

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:56 am
by Eugene Lutsenko
Thank you, Tom! I have the impression that I just can not always find a description of the desired function, though I understand that it exists

Re: How do I know the length of the graphic string in pixels

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:26 am
by Eugene Lutsenko
And yet, this feature does not work with all graphic fonts, probably because of their names. It seems it has nothing to do with the fact bitmap font or a vector. In addition it is clear that many fonts do not support Russian encoding. But that's nothing, because quite a few support and in general enough of them.

Code: Select all

#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""        // графика
#include "BdColors.Ch"       // графика
#include ""       // графика
#include ""        // графика
*#INCLUDE "rmchart.CH"       // графика
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ''
*#INCLUDE "dcads.CH"
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ''
#include ''
#include ''
#include ''
#include ''
#include ""    // Max_DB

#pragma library( "ascom10.lib" )
#pragma library( "dclip1.lib" )
#pragma library( "dclip2.lib" )
#pragma library( "dclipx.lib" )
#pragma library( "xbtbase1.lib" )
#pragma library( "xbtbase2.lib" )
#pragma library( "xppui2.lib" )

// Рабочий стол остается окном приложения
   LOCAL GetList := {}, oStatic
   LOCAL oPS, oDevice, oDlg


   SET COLLATION TO SYSTEM   // Руссификация

   @0, 0 DCSAY "Gra Fonts" FONT ("22.HelveticalBold") SIZE 0

   PUBLIC X_MaxW := 1800, Y_MaxW := 850               // Размер графического окна в пикселях

   kD = 33

   aFonts := XbpFont():new():list()

   FOR ki=1 TO LEN(aFonts) STEP kD                //                

         OBJECT oStatic

         EVAL {||_PresSpace(oStatic,ki,kD,aFonts)}

       oStatic := nil


STATIC FUNCTION _PresSpace( oStatic, ki, kD, aFonts )

  LOCAL oPS, oDevice

  oPS := XbpPresSpace():new()         // Create a PS
  oDevice := oStatic:winDevice()      // Get the device context
  oPS:create( oDevice )               // Link device context to PS
  oPS:SetViewPort( { 0, 0, X_MaxW, Y_MaxW } )
  oStatic:paint := {|mp1,mp2,obj| mp1 := LC_MultiLine( oPS, oStatic, ki, kD, aFonts ) }


STATIC FUNCTION LC_MultiLine( oPS, oStatic, mi, mD, aFonts )

LOCAL i, j, cFont, nRow, lOk, GetList := {}, nHeight

LOCAL GetOptions
LOCAL oSourcePS, oBitmap, oClipBoard, aPos

  ****** Исследование графических шрифтов

  ****** Инициализация графического шрифта для надписи внизу графической экранной формы

*     aFonts := XbpFont():new():list()                       // Все доступные шрифты
*     oFont  := XbpFont():new():create("48.Helvetica")       // Конкретный шрифт с указанием размера
      oFont := aFonts[1]                                     // Конкретный шрифт по номеру из списка (всего доступно 1681 графических шрифтов)
      GraSetFont(oPS , oFont)                                // установить шрифт

      aAttrF := ARRAY( GRA_AS_COUNT ) 
      aAttrF [ GRA_AS_COLOR      ] := GRA_CLR_BLACK 
*     aAttrF [ GRA_AS_BOX        ] := { 300, 50 }            // Размер поля вывода (только для векторных шрифтов)
      aAttrF [ GRA_AS_HORIZALIGN ] := GRA_HALIGN_CENTER      // Выравнивание символов по горизонтали по центру относительно точки начала вывода
      aAttrF [ GRA_AS_VERTALIGN  ] := GRA_VALIGN_HALF        // Выравнивание символов по вертикали по средней линии относительно точки начала вывода
      GraSetAttrString( oPS, aAttrF ) 
      GraStringAt( oPS, { 200, 10 }, "Всего шрифтов:"+ALLTRIM(STR(LEN(aFonts),15)) )

      aAttrF := ARRAY( GRA_AS_COUNT ) 
      aAttrF [ GRA_AS_COLOR      ] := GRA_CLR_BLACK 
      aAttrF [ GRA_AS_BOX        ] := { 60, 30 }             // Размер поля вывода для векторных шрифтов
      aAttrF [ GRA_AS_HORIZALIGN ] := GRA_HALIGN_LEFT        // Выравнивание символов по горизонтали по центру относительно точки начала вывода
      aAttrF [ GRA_AS_VERTALIGN  ] := GRA_VALIGN_HALF        // Выравнивание символов по вертикали по средней линии относительно точки начала вывода
      GraSetAttrString( oPS, aAttrF )                        // Установить символьные атрибуты

      PRIVATE aTxtPar[2]

      S = 1
      LimJ = IF(mi+mD-1 <= LEN(aFonts), mi+mD-1, LEN(aFonts))

      FOR j=mi TO LimJ

          oFont := aFonts[j] 
          GraSetFont(oPS , oFont)       // установить шрифт

          Mess = "Шрифт №"+ALLTRIM(STR(j,15))+IF(oFont:vector,"-векторный","-растровый")

          aTxtPar = DC_GraQueryTextbox( Mess, oFont )

          GraStringAt( oPS, { 100, 20+(S-1)*25 }, Mess+". Width="+ALLTRIM(STR(aTxtPar[1]))+". Height="+ALLTRIM(STR(aTxtPar[2])) )


      **** Записать графический файл

*     cFileName = "Fonts"+STRTRAN(STR(mi,4)," ","0")+"-"+STRTRAN(STR(LimJ,4)," ","0")+".bmp"
*     DC_Scrn2ImageFile( oStatic, cFileName )
*     cFileName = "Fonts"+STRTRAN(STR(mi,4)," ","0")+"-"+STRTRAN(STR(LimJ,4)," ","0")+".jpg"
*     DC_Scrn2ImageFile( oStatic, cFileName )

      cFileName = "Fonts"+STRTRAN(STR(mi,4)," ","0")+"-"+STRTRAN(STR(LimJ,4)," ","0")+".gif"
      DC_Scrn2ImageFile( oStatic, cFileName )

  *** Конец исследования шрифтов ********************


FUNCTION DC_Scrn2ImageFile( oXbp, cFileName, nFormat )

LOCAL oSourcePS, oBitmap, oClipBoard, aPos

oSourcePS := oXbp:lockPS()
IF oXbp:isDerivedFrom('XbpDialog')
  aPos := { -4, -4 }
  aPos := { 0, 0 }
oBitmap := GraSaveScreen( oSourcePS, aPos, oXbp:currentSize() )

RETURN oBitMap:saveFile( cFileName, nFormat )

Re: How do I know the length of the graphic string in pixels

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:55 am
by Tom
Hi, Eugene.

Looks you're using the function with a font object. Since I use eXpress++ 1.9.257, I don't know whether there's a newer version of it in build 258 or later, but in my version, a font compound name should be the parameter!

Font compound names should reflect Xbase++ notation and local attributes. "10.Arial Bold" is valid in english environments only; it's "10.Arial Fett" in german(y) for example. Maybe your'e struggling with something here.

Re: How do I know the length of the graphic string in pixels

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 10:10 am
by Eugene Lutsenko
Yes, things do not always work, but usually that works, is enough to achieve the goal