ESC key, enter key not responding

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Cliff Wiernik
Posts: 605
Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:11 pm
Location: Steven Point, Wisconsin USA

ESC key, enter key not responding

#1 Post by Cliff Wiernik »

I have seen this a few time recently. With Express version 254 and 259. Users are on a dialog, they can click on pushbuttons and and thinks happen. However, pressing enter on a field does not advance the cursor to the next field. Pressing escape does not always work. Clicking the quit button does not always work. In one case, the browse cursor on the dialog can be navigated by the scroll button on the mouse or the via the keyboard. However, the ESC or "Q" key on the dialog do not exit the dialog even though focus is on the browse. Click the Q push button will however close the dialog.

Has anyone experience this and have any suggestions. I have tried to recreate on my laptop the same way the user, using the same software, and cannot replicate but they can. In some of the cases, the application must be killed and restarted to fix things.


Cliff Wiernik
Posts: 605
Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:11 pm
Location: Steven Point, Wisconsin USA

Re: ESC key, enter key not responding

#2 Post by Cliff Wiernik »

We are testing Build 259 and using mainly Build 254. A change was made in Build 250 to fix a problem for someone. This fix appears to be causing this issue or at least the initial issues I am seeing with Build 259 in production. Roger has included a getset function, defaulting to the new behavior, that I use to revert back to the old behavior. It is called DC_ClearLastFocusWhenMinimized, which has a default of .F. Once I changed it back to the old behavior, the users are reporting the issues they had now work they way it did before.

Don't know why my coding experiences this issue. I was testing to see if I could use the Express++ default, which fixes someone else issue, but it appears that I cannot.

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