Drag/Drop enhancement
Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:27 am
It was brought to my attention today that dropping text from another application does not work.
This has been fixed and will be in the next release.
Attached is an updated _DCCLASS.PRG.
Copy the file to your \exp19\source\dclipx folder and run BUILD19_SL1.BAT to rebuild DCLIPX.DLL.
Below is the test program.
This has been fixed and will be in the next release.
Attached is an updated _DCCLASS.PRG.
Copy the file to your \exp19\source\dclipx folder and run BUILD19_SL1.BAT to rebuild DCLIPX.DLL.
Below is the test program.
Code: Select all
#INCLUDE "dcdialog.CH"
LOCAL GetList[0], oStatic
@ 0,0 DCSAY '' SIZE 100,25 ;
DROP {|o,c|IIF(valtype(c)=='C',o:setCaption(c),nil)} ;
FONT '10.Lucida Console'
DCREAD GUI FIT TITLE 'Drop Text here from another application'
PROC appsys ; return