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Browse refreshes

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:17 am
by omni

Trying to make my browses work a little better for certain types of user screens. The browses all display info from a data file with add/update/delete buttons.
Fairly simple.
When they update a record in the middle of the browse and return, the top record is still at the top and the record that was updated still has focus.
When they delete a record we handle it two different ways. One is to go back to the top problem on that for small number of records.
The other option is to go to the prior record for focus and refresh the browse...for a higher number of records
The difference is that this is now the top record on the browse unless they scroll up to see the prior records. i would like to have it display just like the update on those
I am refreshing the getlist and also adding>> oBrowse:refreshCurrent() and oBrowse:forceStable(). That does not help the way it actually looks.
I know I can skip down one by one to get to the record..that works, but if there are 50 data items that is really ugly as it scrolls down with code

Any thoughts on something else I can try. Not a big deal, but it would be nice...



Re: Browse refreshes

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:53 am
by rdonnay
If you can give me a small sample program that I can compile and run, I will make the necessary mods.

Re: Browse refreshes

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:55 am
by Auge_Ohr
omni wrote:I am refreshing the getlist and also adding>> oBrowse:refreshCurrent() and oBrowse:forceStable(). That does not help the way it actually looks.

what about RefreshALL() ...