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Examples of programs RMChart

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:05 pm
by Eugene Lutsenko
Could you give examples of simple graphics programs:
1. Depicting all possible lines of different colors.
2. Depicting lines of different thicknesses (in a certain range).
3. Line depicting all possible styles.
Thank you in advance.

Re: Examples of programs RMChart

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:41 pm
by rdonnay
There are several examples in \exp19\samples\rmchart.

I will be working on more examples in the next few months before my seminar at our Devcon in October.

Re: Examples of programs RMChart

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 8:55 pm
by Eugene Lutsenko
Thank you, Roger, that you, as always responded. I've seen those examples, they are very impressive, and I learned a lot from them. But unfortunately they are not very comfortable (in my opinion, in accordance with my style of programming) to do some things or just my lack of knowledge of this very nice library. So I'm asking for help. I am here as a fish in the desert. I look forward to your examples