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Re: Questions of zero level

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:22 am
by Eugene Lutsenko
Me the maximum possibilities xBase ++ interest: the maximum quantity of fields in a database, the maximum size of a file of a database, the maximum dimension of two-dimensional and one-dimensional files, and to that similar things since I solving problems of the big dimension has come across on the basic restrictions CLIPPER. About these problems it is possible to look here: here again:, and also here: and still here: Certainly, absolutely always it is possible to bypass these restrictions by special program realization and special structure of databases, but usually they are much less convenient and are evident also their creation is more labor-consuming:

At me the error that there is no memory when the memory allocated for a problem was nearby 2 gigabyte, including on the computer about 16 gigabyte of operative memory always stood out.

Has made direct numerical experiments by definition of the maximum size of a file of database DBF/NTX and the maximum quantity of fields. There was a size бзы the data no more than 2 gigabyte, whereas in CLIPPER - 4 gigabytes, quantity of fields, accordingly: 2046 and 4096. It turns out not in favor of Alaska at which these restrictions in 2 times are more rigid, than in CLIPPER. The only thing - in Alaska files can be higher dimension, than in CLIPPER, but also no more than 2 gigabyte that isn't enough actually.

Re: Questions of zero level

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:14 am
by rdonnay
This is the first time that I have heard that Xbase++ has a limitation over Clipper on file sizes.

When I want to use a file more than 2GB I use the ADSDBE. We have an application with a file that is more than 20GB.

Re: Questions of zero level

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:18 pm
by Eugene Lutsenko
I thank for council. It is truth: CLIPPER really supports databases in the size to 4 gigabyte, and xBase ++ in 2 times it is less. I too didn't expect it, but it so.

Re: Questions of zero level

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:38 pm
by Auge_Ohr
Eugene Lutsenko wrote:At me the error that there is no memory when the memory allocated for a problem was nearby 2 gigabyte, including on the computer about 16 gigabyte of operative memory always stood out.
that you need a Hotfix from Alaska to get more Memory Handle !
remember for every Array Element you need a Handle and also for every Subelement ( n-Dim )
to access RAM over 3GB, on a 64bit OS, is possible with Xbase++
Eugene Lutsenko wrote:There was a size бзы the data no more than 2 gigabyte, whereas in CLIPPER - 4 gigabytes
you know what NTXLOCK2.OBJ in Cl*pper is for ?
locking offset is moved 1.000.000+RECNO() to 4 billion -> 2GB DBF !!!
a 16bit Application can not access locking Records > 0x7FFFFFFF

Xbase++ can increase Lock Offset up to 2,4GB with DBFDBE_LOCKOFFSET 0x80000000
Eugene Lutsenko wrote:... but also no more than 2 gigabyte that isn't enough actually.
thats why you can not use old 16bit Application on 64bit OS() without XP Mode ( or other Emulator )

p.s. most User have used Cl*pper 20 Year before so we all know it well.

Re: Questions of zero level

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:14 am
by Eugene Lutsenko
I use system "Eidos" (my working out) for teaching in high schools. And in high schools on all computers various versions Windows, recently in increasing frequency Windows 7 are established. At my place on one computer too is Windows 7 64бит (maximum), and on other XP. Under OS/2 there were no many many problems which are today under Windows. Somehow I showed the system to customers under OS/2. Personally very much it was pleasant to me, as it worked. But to use OS/2 it is not obviously possible for other reasons.

The size of a database in CLIPPER can surpass 2 gigabytes and with number of records considerably smaller billion. I really worked with bases 2.5 gigabytes i.e. more than Alaska allows, but the quantity of records was about 2.5 million.

You couldn't give an example an aaplet reserving a two-dimensional file of the greatest possible dimension under Windows 7 64бит. There can be some calculations, for which databases don't approach (without the server) to realize in files and to write down them as variables SAVE TO Arr1?

As to Hotfix from Alaska can be prompt, where it to take. I me license Alaska Xbase ++ v.1.9 also am the private office on http://

By the way, our system administrator has told to me that WAA it is very obsolete also doesn't guarantee that it will work under modern server operating systems. And whether there is something similar is more modern?

Re: Questions of zero level

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:08 am
by rdonnay
You couldn't give an example an aaplet reserving a two-dimensional file of the greatest possible dimension under Windows 7 64бит. There can be some calculations, for which databases don't approach (without the server) to realize in files and to write down them as variables SAVE TO Arr1?
You could use DC_ASave() and DC_ARestore(). This saves any multi-dimensional array to a file. If you are looking at files that are Gigabytes in length, however, this can take a long time. Have you looked at using a SQL database?
By the way, our system administrator has told to me that WAA it is very obsolete also doesn't guarantee that it will work under modern server operating systems. And whether there is something similar is more modern?
I use Xb2.Net for all my web-based apps. This is much better than WAA and does not require a web server, because your Xbase++ app is the web server.

Re: Questions of zero level

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:25 am
by Eugene Lutsenko
Thank God that there are you, your workings out and your forum, and that in general there would be a gloomy situation.

And what at use Xb2.Net the program works on Host through Internet as through a local network, that is isn't the web-server?

For some reason at assemblage eXpress ++ by means of a file many messages that libraries and included files can't be found build19_sl1.bat stand out. Variable environments as it is specified in Readme.txt has registered:

Example for Xbase ++ 1.9 (SL1 - Build 355):

SET PATH = % path %; C:\exp19\bin19_sl1; C:\exp19\bin19; C:\exp19\bin
SET LIB = % lib %; C:\exp19\lib
SET INCLUDE = % include %; C:\exp19\include

Has spent updating xbase ++, but the situation with restriction on dimension of reserved files hasn't improved, all remains also as was. You couldn't give an example the simple program creating a file to an example 10000 х of 10000 elements or more. A pumping file (virtual memory) on the computer 20 gigabyte.

Not so clearly than DC_ASave () it is better, than SAVE TO. I at first have thought that DC_ASave () archives a written down file "hurriedly" during record, but have then looked and окзалось that the sizes of files practically don't differ.

Re: Questions of zero level

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:54 am
by rdonnay
Thank God that there are you, your workings out and your forum, and that in general there would be a gloomy situation.
We have been here as a support forum for eXpress++ and Xbase++ since 1999. I am pleased that you approve.
And what at use Xb2.Net the program works on Host through Internet as through a local network, that is isn't the web-server?
Xb2.Net works as a wide-area network web server and soap server for web services. My Donnay Software website is an Xbase++ application that use Xb2.Net. Give it a try:
For some reason at assemblage eXpress ++ by means of a file many messages that libraries and included files can't be found build19_sl1.bat stand out. Variable environments as it is specified in Readme.txt has registered:
I don't understand this question.
Has spent updating xbase ++, but the situation with restriction on dimension of reserved files hasn't improved, all remains also as was. You couldn't give an example the simple program creating a file to an example 10000 х of 10000 elements or more. A pumping file (virtual memory) on the computer 20 gigabyte.
This question has never arised in my 12 years of working with Xbase++. Why are you creating arrays that are so large?
Not so clearly than DC_ASave () it is better, than SAVE TO. I at first have thought that DC_ASave () archives a written down file "hurriedly" during record, but have then looked and окзалось that the sizes of files practically don't differ.
It is true that DC_ASave() will not save time or file size over SAVE TO, but it save array information slightly differently in that it converts all EOF characters to hexidecimal. This makes the algorithm better for writing arrays to memo fields.

Re: Questions of zero level

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:10 pm
by Eugene Lutsenko
At scientific researches I sometimes solve problems of very big dimensions. It is possible to design, of course, special structures of databases which theoretically wouldn't have restrictions on dimension, but to create matrixes or databases of the big dimension easier. Then program realization very much becomes simpler. In English about these works ожно to read here: section: "Artificial intelligence system for identification of social categories of natives based on astronomical parameters ". There are still summaries to articles in English: and a site of doctor Truneva: on it there is something in English.

And not clear question was here than. When you start a file build19_sl1.bat many messages on not found libraries and included files stand out. Ways on folders where they are all are registered.

On a site it could not be registered. A motorcycle abrupt, as well as all the rest:)

Somebody heard about graphic library BIGRAPH.LIB for CLIPPER, C++, Pascal?

Re: Questions of zero level

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:06 pm
by Eugene Lutsenko