I wanted to make so that in the program there was a mode enabling to look up on the world card , where and when she was started.
To make it is , I created site:
http://j90540lw.beget.tech/, on which located following PHP-code as file index.php:
Code: Select all
$file = 'test_strings.txt'; // файл
define("divider", ","); // разделитель
$logdate = date("d.m.y,G:i:s"); // дата, время
$ip = getenv('HTTP_X_REAL_IP'); // ip-адрес
if ( $ip == '' ) $ip = 'unknown'; // проверяем, определился ли ip-адрес
$var=file_get_contents('http://freegeoip.net/csv/' . $ip); // определяем регион, город и его геогр.координаты
$log = $logdate . divider . $var ; // формируем строку
file_put_contents($file, $log, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); // пишем содержимое в файл
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=http://lc.kubagro.ru">'; // Редирект на основной сайт
Such reference to this site from my program:
Code: Select all
DC_SpawnURL( 'http://j90540lw.beget.tech/index.php', .T., .T. )
results in the fact that to textual file: test _ strings.txt is added type line:
To image this information, I by software скачиваю on ftp this textual file and transform him to dbf-file. Then I show this dbf-file and enable to sort and to filter him on different fields.
If to specify a cartographic visualisation, then this database transforms to textual type file:
which is recorded to the same site on ftp.
After that on that site by software PHP-file (map2.php) is started:
Launch of this PHP-file from program on Alaska:
Code: Select all
DC_SpawnURL( 'http://j90540lw.beget.tech/map2.php' )
Code: Select all
<!DOCTYPE html>
$content = file_get_contents("map_strings.txt");
$content = explode("\r\n",$content);
foreach ($content as $key=>$record) {
$content[$key] = explode(",", $record);
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>AIDOS map</title>
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale = 1.0, user-scalable = no">
<script src="https://api-maps.yandex.ru/2.1/?lang=ru_RU" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var aMap;
aMap = new ymaps.Map("main", {
center: [29.00, 7.00],
zoom: 3.3
// Создаем геообъект с типом геометрии "Точка".
gObj = new ymaps.GeoObject({
// Описание геометрии.
geometry: {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [<?=$content[0][10];?>, <?=$content[0][11];?>]
// Свойства.
properties: {
// Контент метки.
iconContent: '<?=$content[0][0].", ".$content[0][1];?>',
hintContent: '<?=$content[0][2];?>'
}, {
// Опции.
// Иконка метки будет растягиваться под размер ее содержимого.
preset: 'islands#blackStretchyIcon',
for ($i = 1; $i<count($content);$i++){
echo ".add(new ymaps.Placemark([" . $content[$i][10].",".$content[$i][11]."], {";
echo " iconContent: '".$content[$i][0].", ".$content[$i][1]."',";
echo " hintContent: '".$content[$i][2]."'}, { preset: 'islands#blackStretchyIcon' }))";
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="main">
This PHP-file supplies a cartographic visualisation of the base: map _ strings.txt:
To look up as it appears in the program I advise:
1. Скачать system “E'jdos” from the page:
http://lc.kubagro.ru/aidos/_Aidos-X.htm (for example:
2. To deploy archive in root-catalogue of any disk and to launch to execution : _AIDOS-X.exe.
3. From the main menu to launch mode 6.9.
4. In this mode to choose display on the card : “To image ALL”.
Мне it would be interesting too, since I would see on the world card , where you are.
PHP-code developed: Kramer Alexey Semenovich:
http://kubsau.ru/education/chairs/comp- ... taff/3395/
and everything else I developed:
http://kubsau.ru/education/chairs/comp- ... taff/3965/
In the archive:
http://lc.kubagro.ru/a.rar there are files with total initial dough of the system “E'jdos”: _AIDOS-X.prg, _ AIDOS-X.txt, _ AIDOS-X.doc.
In these files there is function:
Code: Select all
PUBLIC Ftp_User:= “***”
PUBLIC Ftp_Passw:= “***”
Return (put your Xb2.NET license key here) // <--- put your Xb2.NET license key here
This function should be launched at launch of the main program to execution. There is in it a name and the password of access to the site on ftp and key to Xb2.NET library.
In the system “E'jdos” does all of this function 6.9.