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Re: Pushbutton drop problem

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 5:41 am
by Victorio
Hi Roger ,

I found in c-tec example this problem :
when run app and from other screen position, for example Windows File manager, press left mouse button, and move mouse over buttons, on button show "+" sign and this also change color from his color to cyan, and stay cyan also when mouse go away and release button. When I move mouse over more buttons with LB pressed, all changed to cyan.

And button color return to its own color only when again mouse over it without pressing something.
This occurs only when DROP parameter use in DCPUSHBUTTONXP.
So I am testing it only with 263 version eXpress and Xbase++ 2.0 release 554.

Re: Pushbutton drop problem

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:46 am
by rdonnay
Somebody will have to show me this behavior.

I cannot make this happen with Rudolf's example nor with my own DragDrop example.

Re: Pushbutton drop problem

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:38 am
by Victorio
Maybe Rudolf mean some other problem, but I understand he tell this as on attached pictures.
Attached small program with buttons (yours) where I only include parameter DROP {||NIL}

Code: Select all

   @ x1,y1 ;
     DCPUSHBUTTONXP CAPTION "GROUP" + Alltrim(Str(i)) + ";F" + Alltrim(Str(i)) ;
     PARENT bmpOkvir SIZE du,bb ACCELKEY xbeK_F1 + (i-1) ;
     ACTION bAction ;
     OUTLINE COLOR co1,co2 CLICKCOLOR co3,co4 FONT fo1 OBJECT aButtons[i] ;
     DROP {||NIL}
and on attached pictures when I select some file from Total commander or any file manager and only move over buttons his color changed to cyan and stay cyan, not return to his original color.
pic1 - running module
pic2 - click to button, this is ok buttons work as "switch"
pic3 - select some file and go to "surface" module
pic4 - here not shown sign "+" but is there, only my printscreen not save it to picture
pic5 - still left button pressed and move over button, he change to cyan
pic6 - still left button pressed and move to second button, first have new changed color Cyan
pic7 - color changed for all buttons, over which I moved.
pic8 - if left button release , buttons still cyan, only when move mouse over it, color return to his original color.

Sorry, if it is my trivial misunderstand, how it works...

Re: Pushbutton drop problem

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 2:40 am
by c-tec
Hello Victorio,
thank you, this is exactly the behaviour I also have.

Re: Pushbutton drop problem

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:04 am
by rdonnay
Maybe it's because I am running Windows 10, or maybe it's because I'm using Xbase++ build 992, but I cannot reproduce that problem. I tested with eXpress++ build 263.

Re: Pushbutton drop problem

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:22 am
by Wolfgang Ciriack
I tested with Win10, Xbase++ 2.0.1023, eXPress++ Build 265, i see the behavior Victorio described.

Re: Pushbutton drop problem

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:42 am
by rdonnay
I sent a copy of the test program to Bobby Drakos.

I'm going to connect to him via Teamviewer and see what happens on his computer.

Re: Pushbutton drop problem

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 6:14 am
by Victorio
Roger, if you want, I can also run teamviewer (version 10) , and run and show test program on my computer.
only my english is bad, I do not know communicate "online" in english language :oops:

I also tryed on Windows 10 64bit, with Xbase++ release 554 and eXpress 265, same result.
I am sure, this must be some trivial mistake, like refresh or I do not know what.


Re: Pushbutton drop problem

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:13 am
by c-tec
Hello Roger,
you can first look at the video:
I moved over all tiles for demo.
Teamviewer and Skyp is also possible if the video is not enough. It seems that this does not happen on your computer, this is strange.

Re: Pushbutton drop problem

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 10:25 am
by Victorio
Hi Rudolf,

Maybe You found solition with drop color changes, if no, I tryed this :


and also here add new case :
case cCode = "PNEXT"
*nSeq++ // disable incremental color change
if nSeq > len(aColor)
nSeq := 1
return aColor[nSeq]

This cause, that color of button not changing color when go mouse over it.
Now you can only test if mouse LB pressed and disable this mode only when LB pressed.

This is only experiment, but maybe is usable.

I mean , is needed some mechanism to refresh color when LB release.
