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Re: DC_GetColArray() - suggestion

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:54 am
by Tom
My changes to DC_GetColArray() don't work. DC_XbpColumn:Init raises an error (line 3205, build 260) if something like that is done:

Assume that a[x,2] should be a date. But the array is empty when the browse is shown first. It's to be filled later.

Code: Select all

DCBROWSECOL DATA {||DC_GetColArray(2,oBrowse,,EmptyDate()} COLOR {|d|IF(Year(d)=Year(Date()),{GRA_CLR_GREEN,GRA_CLR_BLACK},oBrowse:RowColor())}
("EmptyDate" returns CtoD(" . . "))

Edit: It works well without the color codeblock.

Re: DC_GetColArray() - suggestion

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:27 am
by rdonnay
I'm with Jim Graham at his lake house. We are relaxing and talking about Phantoms. I flew it at 400 feet above the lake complex. I'll try to start thinking about your issue when i'm in a different environment. May need to wait a few more days.

Re: DC_GetColArray() - suggestion

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:32 am
by Cliff Wiernik
At that height you will be almost into commercial status. Have a great time and say hi to Jim for me.
