Weird scoping issue after upgrading to eXpress++ 2.0

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Weird scoping issue after upgrading to eXpress++ 2.0

#1 Post by SvenVazan »


XBase version: 1.90 build 355
eXpress version before: 1.90 build 255
eXpress version after: 2.0 build 261

This works in the old version of eXpress but not my new one. We're using the DC_SETSCOPEARRAY to set scopes everywhere.

I have attached a sample program highlighting what's happening.

When you start the program, you'll see a simple browser. You can scroll up and down no problem.

When you exit out of that, a second browser appears, which is scoped on the record number. If you use your arrow keys to scroll down, you'll see that you will not be able to reach the last record. Then keying up/move around with the mouse wheel, you'll see there is something very weird going on behind the scenes.

Again, worked in the old one but not the new one - wondering what's bugging out or if I need to be calling these functions differently.
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Re: Weird scoping issue after upgrading to eXpress++ 2.0

#2 Post by rdonnay »

Sven -

Yes, I was informed several months ago about a regression in DC_SetScopeArray() in builds 260 and 261.
I have corrected this regression and gave the fix to the customer who reported it.

Now I am giving you, and other eXpress++ users, the same fix.

Copy _DCSCOPE.PRG to your \exp20\source\dclipx folder.
Run BUILD20.BAT or BUILD19_SL1.BAT to rebuild DCLIPX.DLL.

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Re: Weird scoping issue after upgrading to eXpress++ 2.0

#3 Post by SvenVazan »

Thanks Roger, you're the best. I'll test it out today.

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