another probably simple question

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another probably simple question

#1 Post by BruceN »

I have an 'about' box that displays the number of 'active' users.
users := user_count()
@ 3.5, 40 dcsay str( users ) saysize 25 sayleft

That gives me a fixed value. That is, if another user logs in while the about box is open the value doesn't change.

How would I make that update say every 2 seconds?

I can see a function CheckUsers() , something like:

do while .t.
users := user_count()

but how would I call it so we don't get stuck in the loop and the code can get to the dcread?

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Re: another probably simple question

#2 Post by rdonnay »

Code: Select all

@ @ 3.5, 40 dcsay {||str( users )} saysize 25 sayleft

DCREAD GUI EVAL {||oTimer := DC_SetTimerEvent():new(200,{||DC_GetRefresh(GetList)})}

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