Hi Roger
CJTaskPanelGroup oGroup CAPTION "Testing" PARENT oTaskPanel EXPANDABLE ON SPECIAL ON LAYOUT xtpTaskItemLayoutDefault //FONT cGroupFont
In the above code, if I uncomment the FONT property, my program will hang occationally. It took me almost 2 days to detect that it was the FONT clause that was causing the problem.
XcodeJock CJTaskPanelGroup
Re: XcodeJock CJTaskPanelGroup
Hi Roger
The FONT clause of CJTaskPanelGroup is not working properly
The FONT clause of CJTaskPanelGroup is not working properly
Re: XcodeJock CJTaskPanelGroup
i do not work with CJ Panel, but i heard from Tom Liehr about a lot of Problem with Xbase++.
not sure if Problem still exist ... ask Tom
i do not work with CJ Panel, but i heard from Tom Liehr about a lot of Problem with Xbase++.
not sure if Problem still exist ... ask Tom
greetings by OHR
Re: XcodeJock CJTaskPanelGroup
XCodeJock creates an instance of the CJ_TaskPanel() class - look at XCJClass.prg and XCodeJock.Prg for the source.
The font clause creates an object of the XbpFont() class which then converts it to an Automation object by using the ::getIFont() method. This is the only way to set the font in CodeJock. Most of the time this works correctly, but occasionally it locks up.
I am thinking that it may be related to the order of things in the code. I have noticed this in the past. It may be possible to fix
this problem by changing the order in which properties are set.
Look at the below code snippets. I suggest that you play around with the CJ_TaskPanel:create() method in XCJClass.prg.
Change the order in which the font is set by moving the code around a bit. Possibly moving it up or down may make a difference.
Rebuild XCodeJock.Dll by running BUILD19_SL1.BAT.
Also, make sure that you have all the latest hotfixes and that you are running Xbase++ 1.9 (SL1).
Good luck with this.
The font clause creates an object of the XbpFont() class which then converts it to an Automation object by using the ::getIFont() method. This is the only way to set the font in CodeJock. Most of the time this works correctly, but occasionally it locks up.
I am thinking that it may be related to the order of things in the code. I have noticed this in the past. It may be possible to fix
this problem by changing the order in which properties are set.
Look at the below code snippets. I suggest that you play around with the CJ_TaskPanel:create() method in XCJClass.prg.
Change the order in which the font is set by moving the code around a bit. Possibly moving it up or down may make a difference.
Rebuild XCodeJock.Dll by running BUILD19_SL1.BAT.
Also, make sure that you have all the latest hotfixes and that you are running Xbase++ 1.9 (SL1).
Good luck with this.
Code: Select all
CLASS CJ_TaskPanel FROM DC_XbpActiveXControl, CJ_Parts
INLINE METHOD Init( oParent, oOwner, aPos, aSize, aPres, lVisible, oGetList )
::clsid := 'CodeJock.TaskPanel' + CJ_Version()
::license := CJ_LicenseControls()
::DC_XbpActiveXControl:init( @oParent, @oOwner, aPos, aSize, aPres, lVisible, oGetList )
AAdd(oGetList:userEvents, { xbeP_User+12345, {|mp1|Eval(mp1)}} )
* ----------
INLINE METHOD Create( oParent, oOwner, aPos, aSize, aPres, lVisible )
LOCAL aGetListItem, aOptions, cFont, cCaption
::DC_XbpActiveXControl:create( @oParent, @oOwner, aPos, aSize, aPres, lVisible )
aGetListItem := ::getList:getListArray[::getListPointer]
aOptions := aGetListItem[xGETLIST_OPTIONS3]
DEFAULT aOptions := {}
DEFAULT aOptions[1] := xtpTaskPanelHighlightDefault, ;
aOptions[2] := xtpTaskItemLayoutDefault, ;
aOptions[3] := xtpTaskPanelThemeNativeWinXP, ;
aOptions[4] := .f., ;
aOptions[5] := xtpTaskPanelAnimationNo, ;
aOptions[6] := xtpTaskPanelBehaviourExplorer, ;
aOptions[7] := xtpBorderNone, ;
aOptions[9] := .f., ;
aOptions[10] := .f., ;
aOptions[11] := .f., ;
aOptions[14] := .f., ;
aOptions[15] := .f., ;
aOptions[16] := .f., ;
aOptions[17] := .f., ;
aOptions[18] := 0, ;
aOptions[19] := 0, ;
aOptions[20] := 0, ;
aOptions[21] := 0
::hotTrackStyle := aOptions[1]
::itemLayout := aOptions[2]
::visualTheme := aOptions[3]
::enableMarkup := aOptions[4]
::animation := aOptions[5]
::behaviour := aOptions[6]
::borderStyle := aOptions[7]
IF Valtype(aOptions[8]) == 'N'
::columnWidth := aOptions[8]
::drawFocusRect := aOptions[9]
::enableAnimation := aOptions[10]
::expandable := aOptions[11]
IF !Empty(aOptions[12])
IF !Empty(aOptions[13])
::multiColumn := aOptions[14]
::rightToLeft := aOptions[15]
::selectItemOnFocus := aOptions[16]
::singleSelection := aOptions[17]
IF !Empty(aOptions[18]) .AND. !Empty(aOptions[19])
IF !Empty(aOptions[20]) .AND. !Empty(aOptions[21])
::subscribeEvent('itemClick', {||::Action(::focusedItem:id)})
::loadedIcons := {}
Code: Select all
FUNCTION CJ_Font( cFont, lIFont )
LOCAL cCompoundName, cFamilyName, nPointSize, oFont, oPS, oIFont
DEFAULT lIFont := .t.
cCompoundName := Alltrim(cFont)
IF 'UNDERSCORE' $ Upper(cCompoundName)
cCompoundName := StrTran(cCompoundName,' UNDERSCORE','')
cCompoundName := StrTran(cCompoundName,' Underscore','')
cCompoundName := StrTran(cCompoundName,' UnderScore','')
cCompoundName := StrTran(cCompoundName,' underscore','')
IF 'BOLD' $ Upper(cCompoundName)
cCompoundName := StrTran(cCompoundName,' BOLD','')
cCompoundName := StrTran(cCompoundName,' Bold','')
cCompoundName := StrTran(cCompoundName,' bold','')
IF 'ITALIC' $ Upper(cCompoundName)
cCompoundName := StrTran(cCompoundName,' ITALIC','')
cCompoundName := StrTran(cCompoundName,' Italic','')
cCompoundName := StrTran(cCompoundName,' italic','')
IF 'SERIF' $ Upper(cCompoundName)
cCompoundName := StrTran(cCompoundName,'MS Sans Serif','Arial')
cCompoundName := StrTran(cCompoundName,'MS Serif','Arial')
cFamilyName := Alltrim(StrTran(CJ_Token(cCompoundName,'.',2),'.',' '))
cFamilyName := StrTran(cFamilyName,' ',' ')
nPointSize := Val(CJ_Token(cCompoundName,'.',1))
oFont := XbpFont():new( oPS ):create(cCompoundName)
oFont:nominalPointSize := Int(nPointSize)
oFont:generic := .t.
IF Upper(cFamilyName) == 'TERMINAL' .AND. !Empty(oPS)
oFont := XbpFont():new( oPS )
oFont:nominalPointSize := nPointSize
oFont:generic := .t.
oFont:fixed := .t.
oFont:familyName := cFamilyName
IF '.UNDERSCORE' $ Upper(cFont) .OR. ' UNDERSCORE' $ Upper(cFont)
oFont:UnderScore := .t.
IF '.BOLD' $ Upper(cFont) .OR. ' BOLD' $ Upper(cFont)
oFont:bold := .t.
IF '.ITALIC' $ Upper(cFont) .OR. ' ITALIC' $ Upper(cFont)
oFont:italic := .t.
IF lIFont
oFont := oFont:getIFont()
:getIFont() --> oIFont
This method returns the font as an IFont COM object.
COM/ActiveX components usually manage fonts using COM objects. To assign a font to a property of a COM/ActiveX object, an Xbase++ application often needs to specify the font as an IFont object. The method :getIFont() creates an AutomationObject of class IFont and initializes the object with the font data maintained by the XbpFont instance. The object returned can then be assigned to the COM/ActiveX property.
The eXpress train is coming - and it has more cars.
Re: XcodeJock CJTaskPanelGroup
Hi Tom
Can you help on the above subject. What to be able to change Font properties in Codejock.
Can you help on the above subject. What to be able to change Font properties in Codejock.