I have asked this on a prior log, but still having same problem.
We have export to excel with a save as, specific file name. Check for file existing, try to erase, and if failing, we assign a random file name. Users are still getting save errors constantly. We get logs from users daily on this. Test here and it works if we leave the file open and it assigns the random name.
Here is the snippet of code:
if file(newname)
if ferase(newname)=-1
//give it a temp file name
store 'XX'+STRZERO(round(dc_random(),0),3)+ STRZERO(round(dc_random(),0),3)+'.xls' to newname
if !empty(newname)
oBook:SaveAs( newname , xlWorkbookNormal )
***end of code
Here is the error message. Always the same, except for the filename, which depends on which program/file/report is being exported.
oError:args :
-> VALTYPE: C VALUE: Z:\oiswin\download\payrev.xls
-> VALTYPE: N VALUE: -4143
oError:description : Cannot access 'payrev.xls'.
oError:filename : NIL
oErro:genCode : NIL
oError:operation : SaveAs
Called from AUTOMATIONOBJECT:ONERROR(1037) Called from ASCOMERROR:RAISE(308) Called from ASCOMERROR:RAISEERROR(505) Called from ASCOMERROR:RAISEONERROR(530) Called from AUTOMATIONOBJECT:NOMETHOD(957) Called from EXCEL1(89) Called from PRINTREADY(1013) Called from PRTPAYRV(440) Called from (B)MAIN(1318) WORKAREA STATUS:
***end of error log.
The path is fine. and the next time it works, or maybe the time after that( we may see 2 errors, but rarely more than that)
Any help is appreciated.
Excel Save Problem
Re: Excel Save Problem
Question : what Client OS() ? what Server OS() ?
if Win 7 / Srv W2K8 try "SMB2" Patch
i recommend "saveas" to local Harddisk and than copy to Server UNC Path.
Question : what Client OS() ? what Server OS() ?
if Win 7 / Srv W2K8 try "SMB2" Patch
use BEGIN SEQUENCE / RECOVER to catch those Errors.and the next time it works, or maybe the time after that(
i recommend "saveas" to local Harddisk and than copy to Server UNC Path.
greetings by OHR
Re: Excel Save Problem
I think that the file is being left open by Excel for some reason.
The next time this happens, click on Task Manager and see if Excel is still running as a process.
If so, then we need to determine why.
The next time this happens, click on Task Manager and see if Excel is still running as a process.
If so, then we need to determine why.
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