have a big problem with the latest version of eXPress++, when browsing a SQL table, the fields are not displayed in the browser and the whole first row of a table has empty fields after a oCursor:commit(). The same code works for example with version 2.51 without problems. The dataset is ok when I check the content of the fields.
Code: Select all
DCBROWSECOL DATA SQLFieldBlock( oCursor, 'id' ) WIDTH 8 HEADER 'ID' SORT SF_SQLSortBlock( oCursor, 1 ,@nColumn)
DCBROWSECOL DATA SQLFieldBlock( oCursor, 'status' ) WIDTH 8 HEADER 'Auftrag' SORT SF_SQLSortBlock( oCursor, 2 ,@nColumn)
oCursor:commit() // in the first row of the table all fields are empty
FUNCTION SQLFieldBlock( oCursor, nField )
Return {|x| iif(PCount()==0, oCursor:fieldGet(nField), oCursor:fieldPut(nField, x))}