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Using DacSession to access data via ODBCDBE

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:16 am
by pauld
I'm trying to access a dataset using dacsession and odbcdbe. The dataset uses .SAM flat files (which may be the issue; I'm not sure).

I can connect fine using the following code:

Code: Select all

   /*** Set connection string ***/

   cConnect := "DBE=ODBCDBE"
   cConnect += ";DRIVER=AdagioDataSourceDriver"
   cConnect += ";COLUMNS=COMMON"
   cConnect += ";DBDIRECTORY=C:\Softrak\ODBCV2\SAMDATA"
   cConnect += ";DBQ=C:\Softrak\ODBCV2\SAMDATA\SAM"
   cConnect += ";DBFILTER=ar9*"
   cConnect += ";DBSELELECTOR=SAM"
   cConnect += ";NAMES=SHORT"
   cConnect += ";USERID=SYS"
   cConnect += ";PASSWORD=SYS"
   cConnect += ";RAWPASSWORD=1"
   cConnect += ";TABLESALL=FALSE"

   /*** Create dacsession ***/

   oSession := DacSession():New(cConnect)

   /*** Test for connection success ***/

   IF ! oSession:IsConnected()
      DC_Winalert("Connection failed")

      wtf "ERROR code: " + AllTrim(Str(oSession:GetLastError())), ;
         "Description: " + AllTrim(oSession:GetLastMessage()) pause


   /*** Success message ***/

   DC_Winalert("Connection to server established")
However, when I try to access the data I run into issues.

Using DacSession's :ExecuteQuery() or :ExecuteStatement() like the following:

Code: Select all

   oSession:ExecuteQuery('SELECT Name FROM ar92acst') 
Gives me the error message: Operation not supported by this dbe (operation: dacExecuteQuery)

When I try accessing the data using the commands USE or SQL like the following:

Code: Select all

   USE 'ar92acst'

   SQL "SELECT Name FROM ar92acst"
I get the following error: File can not be opened (operation: DBUseArea)

I tried the same thing in Python, and it works:

Code: Select all

import pyodbc

# Create statement to connect to driver
driverConnect = 'DRIVER={AdagioDataSourceDriver}' + \
	';DBQ=C:\\Softrak\\ODBCV2\\SAMDATA\\SAM' + \
	';DBFILTER=ar9*' + \
	';USERID=SYS' + \

# Connect to odbc using driver
#connection = pyodbc.connect(driverConnect)

# Get cursor
cursor = connection.cursor()

# Execute select statement
cursor.execute("SELECT Name FROM ar92acst")

row = cursor.fetchone()

while row:
	row = cursor.fetchone()
The Python code retrieves the data with no issue, so it doesn't look like an issue in the connection string. Does anyone know why this isn't working in Xbase?

Re: Using DacSession to access data via ODBCDBE

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:04 am
by rdonnay
That ODBC driver possibly does not support SQL.

Is that a possibility?

Try using SqlQuery.exe to see if you get different results.

Set up your connection in SQLQuery.ini like this:

Code: Select all

Also Click on ODBC - List ODBC Drivers

This may tell you a bit more information.
odbcdrivers.jpg (107.28 KiB) Viewed 24160 times

Re: Using DacSession to access data via ODBCDBE

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 2:44 pm
by pauld
When I run sqlquery, I get a connection failed error (5381)

I've attached an image of what the driver info (there's not much there).

Re: Using DacSession to access data via ODBCDBE

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 3:52 pm
by rdonnay
It appears that the ODBC driver provides very little information.

You should not be getting a 5381 error if you didn't get that error in your own code.

Possibly SqlQuery.exe is not building the connect string properly.

You can determine this by adding WTF cSQLConnect in SqlQuery.prg (Method SqlQueryConnection:ConnectODBC())

Add this just prior to the DacSession():new( cSQLConnect )

Re: Using DacSession to access data via ODBCDBE

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 4:06 pm
by rdonnay
I recommend the following change to SqlQuery.prg.
I am adding statements in the connection string that probably are not acceptable to your ODBC driver.

This will only add those statements if they exist in SqlQuery.Ini.
Just rebuild SqlQuery.exe by running Pbuild SqlQuery.

Code: Select all

 METHOD SqlQueryConnection:ConnectODBC()

LOCAL cSQLConnect, cName


cSQLConnect := 'DBE=ODBCDBE; '
IF !Empty(::Driver)
  cSQLConnect += 'DRIVER=' + ::Driver + '; '
IF !Empty(::Server)
  cSQLConnect += 'SERVER=' + ::Server + '; '
ELSEIF !Empty(::ServerDict)
  cSQLConnect += 'SERVER=' + ::ServerDict + '; '
  cSQLConnect += 'DataDirectory=' + ::Database + '; '
ELSEIF !Empty(::Database)
  cSQLConnect += 'DATABASE=' + ::Database + '; '
IF !Empty(::UID)
  cSQLConnect += 'UID=' + ::UID + '; '
IF !Empty(::PWD)
  cSQLConnect += 'PWD=' + ::PWD + '; '
IF !Empty(::Network)
  cSQLConnect += 'NETWORK=' + ::Network + '; '
IF !Empty(::ConnectTimeout)
  cSQLConnect += 'CONNECTTIMEOUT=' + Alltrim(Str(::ConnectTimeOut)) + '; '
cSQLConnect += ::connectString

::SessionDict := DacSession():new( cSQLConnect )

cName := ::name

IF !::SessionDict:isConnected()
  DC_WinAlert('ODBCDBE Connection Failed to ' + cName + Chr(13) + ;
              'Error code: ' + Alltrim(Str(::SessionDict:getLastError())) + Chr(13) + ;
   RETURN .f.


Re: Using DacSession to access data via ODBCDBE

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 1:50 am
by hz_scotty
Need some .CH files to Rebuild v1.9 :think:


Re: Using DacSession to access data via ODBCDBE

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 7:56 am
by pauld
I'm getting a compile error.

Unresolved external symbol DC_XBPBROWSEFILTERED

Re: Using DacSession to access data via ODBCDBE

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:53 am
by pauld
So it looks like there were two issues.

First, the dac methods :ExecuteQuery() and :ExecuteStatement() have not been implemented yet.

Second, the default concurrency and scrollable were not supported by the odbc. Changing the properties as follows worked:

oSession:SetProperty( ODBCSSN_CONCURRENCY, ODBC_CONCUR_READONLY ) // I only need to read the data

Re: Using DacSession to access data via ODBCDBE

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 11:24 am
by rdonnay
First, the dac methods :ExecuteQuery() and :ExecuteStatement() have not been implemented yet.
Are you saying that you have not implemented them in your code or they have not been implemented by Xbase++?

I don't use this methods.
I use the SqlStmtExec() function.
Changing the properties as follows worked:

oSession:SetProperty( ODBCSSN_CONCURRENCY, ODBC_CONCUR_READONLY ) // I only need to read the data
Why would you need these? I would think it would still work without them.

Re: Using DacSession to access data via ODBCDBE

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 8:18 am
by pauld
rdonnay wrote:
First, the dac methods :ExecuteQuery() and :ExecuteStatement() have not been implemented yet.
Are you saying that you have not implemented them in your code or they have not been implemented by Xbase++?

I don't use this methods.
I use the SqlStmtExec() function.
:ExecuteQuery() and :ExecuteStatement() are not implemented in Xbase++.

I used SQL cStatement (from
rdonnay wrote:
Changing the properties as follows worked:

oSession:SetProperty( ODBCSSN_CONCURRENCY, ODBC_CONCUR_READONLY ) // I only need to read the data
Why would you need these? I would think it would still work without them.
It might be that the ODBC I'm using does not support the default values. I turned on the ODBC tracing to find where it was failing. This is a snippet of the log:

odbcdbe_test 4570-2e64 EXIT SQLSetStmtAttr with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR)

DIAG [HY024] [Softrak Systems][ODBC] (10280) Invalid attribute value. (10280)