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SWIPE in browse

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:06 am
by skiman

I'm testing the SWIPE functionality of a browse. Sometimes it simply doesn't work. After moving the scrollbar with the mouse cursor, to top and to bottom, suddenly the swiping functionality is working. Anyone who has encountered this problem?

I'm browsing an array on a modal dialog. The browse has focus, mouse wheel is working', but swiping doesn't work.

Re: SWIPE in browse

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:51 am
by skiman

I just found out that I can swipe in the last column. As soon as I did this once, I can swipe in all columns.

I'm browsing an array and I have 7 columns. When the browse get focus and I want to swipe, it doesn't work. Unless I swipe or touched a cell in the last column. Then it is working.

I previously thought it worked after touching the vertical scrool bar, but the reason is I touched a cell in the last column.

I tried with three columns, and the same is in effect.

Code: Select all

Local x, aArray := {} , oBrowse, getlist := {} , lOk:=.F.
for x = 1 to 30
aadd(aArray, { "A"+str(x) ,"B"+ str(x),"C"+ str(x) } )

@  1,1DCBROWSE oBrowse DATA aArray SIZE 50,10 FIT ;
			usevisualstyle NOHSCROLL;
			ITEMSELECTED {|nRow| nRow := oBrowseOrders:rowpos ,msgbox(str(nRow)), setappfocus(oBrowse) }

			HEADER "Col1" WIDTH 10 PARENT oBrowse 

			HEADER "Col1" WIDTH 10 PARENT oBrowse 

			HEADER "Col1" WIDTH 10 PARENT oBrowse 

dcread gui to lOk addbuttons

Re: SWIPE in browse

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:02 pm
by rdonnay
I don't understand the question.

I have a touch monitor.
I compiled and ran your program.

What kind of gesture are you using when you say SWIPE?

What do you expect from that gesture?

Re: SWIPE in browse

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:25 am
by skiman
Hi Roger,

With Xbase2.0 you can scroll in the browse with 'swiping'. The same way as you scroll on a smartphone. Just swipe up and down.

If you start the browse, and you swipe in the FIRST column, it isn't working. It works if you swipe in the LAST column. Afterwards it will work in all the columns.

I'm using a Surface and I also have a touch monitor. On both the same problem.

If you create a browse with ONE column, it works as expected.

Re: SWIPE in browse

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 5:08 am
by rdonnay
I am getting a different behavior than you are.

Swiping any column works for me, however, the first 2 columns scroll differently than the 3rd column. They work as though the PGDN or PGUP keys were used. The 3rd column scrolls as though the UP or DOWN keys were used. Very strange.

Re: SWIPE in browse

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:39 am
by skiman
Hi Roger,

The third column is the swiping functionality I need.

Once you swiped in the third column, the behaviour of the first 2 columns changes on my system. Do you notice the same?

Re: SWIPE in browse

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:08 pm
by rdonnay
Once you swiped in the third column, the behaviour of the first 2 columns changes on my system. Do you notice the same?
I get the same result every time regardless of which columns I swipe first.

Possibly, the difference is due to a difference in Xbase++ 2.0 versions.
I am using the latest version: 2.00.742
Running on Windows 7 (64-bit).

Re: SWIPE in browse

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:25 am
by PedroAlex

To scroll the browse (swipe/Drag)..
The xBase Sample "qbrowse" works fine for me.
have you test this sample?
What is the behavior in your case?

XB V2.0.703 / Win 10
