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Hotfix from Alaska to get more Memory Handle

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:07 am
by Victorio

I have problem with read file into variable if file is bigger than 1.3GB (W7 32 bit and 4GB RAM)
Base/1005 Not enough memory available...

I found some info here about Hotfix Rollup #36, but this is maybe only for 1.9 version.
Is this implement in 2.0 ?

Is possible use than 2GB RAM for variable , or must break file to parts.

On I do not found some Hotfix, it is only for version 1.9.

Re: Hotfix from Alaska to get more Memory Handle

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 9:52 am
by rdonnay
Why do you need to read an entire file into a memory variable?

Re: Hotfix from Alaska to get more Memory Handle

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 12:59 pm
by Victorio
I need it for speed process (many read/write from many files).
but I work on modify this to processing by parts and parts write to file.

My program searching many big text files, search by 1 to 3 keys.
because default was first cycle where filter data by key1, second filter data by key2 and third filter data by key3 to final report.
In first temporary file was many data, then its size was more than 1,3GB !!!
I wrote to file, and then again open it and in this moment memory error because cannot read it to
This was not good.

Now I read file by file and to output report write only data filtered by key1 to key3.

I have it almost resolved...

Re: Hotfix from Alaska to get more Memory Handle

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:11 am
by PedroAlex
Victorio wrote:Hi,

I have problem with read file into variable if file is bigger than 1.3GB (W7 32 bit and 4GB RAM)
Base/1005 Not enough memory available...

I found some info here about Hotfix Rollup #36, but this is maybe only for 1.9 version.
Is this implement in 2.0 ?
yes it is.

Is possible use than 2GB RAM for variable , or must break file to parts.
Yes it is possible..

On I do not found some Hotfix, it is only for version 1.9.
This hotfix is for version 1.9 or higher.

Have you Alaska 2.0 ?


Re: Hotfix from Alaska to get more Memory Handle

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:21 am
by PedroAlex

Here is a sample of how to increase handles..

Then tell me if it works for you

Pedro Alexandre

Re: Hotfix from Alaska to get more Memory Handle

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 11:26 am
by Victorio
Hi Pedro,
I will try it, thank you.
Now I eliminated generating large files with betted optimize process.


Re: Hotfix from Alaska to get more Memory Handle

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:42 pm
by Cliff Wiernik
You are limited because it is a 32 bit process. I got this answer from Alaska as it relates to memory available for a large array. Same circumstances would apply here.

From Alaska Technical Support.
The correlation between number and size of array elements
and installed memory unfortunately isn’t as direct as one
would think. This is because 32 Bit processes can only access
2Gb of memory by default. This is a Windows limitation. So
the maximum chunk the Xbase++ memory manager can
currently allocate is less than 2 Gb.

The memory footprint of a test .EXE (console application, no
external DLLs) is around 17.5 Mb. Allocating an empty array
of said size increases this value to approximately 440 Mb.
In such a (ideal) situation, the app can allocate memory for
an array element that exceeds 1Gb.

Re: Hotfix from Alaska to get more Memory Handle

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:15 pm
by Victorio
It is interesting for me.
My app crashes , when variable/array has 1.3GB.
And how it is in 64bit ?
I do not know, if run application on 64bit OS, what happens. (exe compiled with Alaska same work on 64bit os as 64 bit and running on 32 bit as 32 bit ?) I do not understand, if I used eXpress , also can work on 32 and 64bit ?ň

Re: Hotfix from Alaska to get more Memory Handle

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:48 pm
by Auge_Ohr
Victorio wrote:It is interesting for me.
My app crashes , when variable/array has 1.3GB.
And how it is in 64bit ?
while Xbase++ IS 32bit it is no Difference with 2GB Limit

Re: Hotfix from Alaska to get more Memory Handle

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 1:11 pm
by Victorio
... it means that Alaska Xbase ++ is 32bit, and only is compatible also with 64bit OS ?

then I do not correct understand this :
"Xbase Foundation edition V 2.00 Intl.Windows 32bit and 64bit OS" on my delivery note

I understood it that I can make 32 and also 64 bit versions. ;)