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Session managenet

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:18 am
by Zdeno Bielik

in CXP is nice feature: automatic session management:
- auto-creating memory variable if it not yet exists and assigning value into it
- auto assigning NIL to all ::Session variables after Session TimeOut event occurs

I just convert next CXP code to CxpHttpServer, and I am not sure,
what will be the best way how do this things.

This feature is so powerfull, because with simple compare value for NIL
I can test, if user/session is still active/ready,
and if not, he must re-login again,
and also before (re-)login I clear/delete eventually all previously records
in some temporally dbf file(-s)

// e.g.:
If ::Session:CustomerName == NIL
// inicialize all variables to default values...
::Session:cPredNazov := ''
::Session:nCennik := 0
::Session:aKosik := {}
::Session:lKosik := .F.

Is this already or will be something similar in CxpHttpServer too?
Or is it any other way for do the same things like it does?

TIA & Regards

Re: Session managenet

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:31 am
by rdonnay
Is this already or will be something similar in CxpHttpServer too?
I have had a discussion with Steffen about this issue and he assured me that WebHandler will support all the same features as CXP under IIS or Apache. He hasn't given a timetable yet but he knows that it is important.

BTW - We will be doing a live podcast of our interview with Steffen at my conference.
People in attendance will be able to ask Steffen questions and he will answer them via Skype.
The audio feed will be available to listen to on computers and smart phones.
Those listening to the audio feed who also have questions may send their question by email.