Development of Rest API webservice access to your data.

Xbase++ 2.0 Build 554 or later
Cliff Wiernik
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Re: Development of Rest API webservice access to your data.

#11 Post by Cliff Wiernik »

I have used restful web services also connecting to other sites web api. Now I am working to provide the same style of services to access our data. I see that the json stuff is not yet documented in Xbase++ 2.0. Do you have your functions implemented yet in Express++. I see them mentioned in your post.

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Re: Development of Rest API webservice access to your data.

#12 Post by rdonnay »

I see that the json stuff is not yet documented in Xbase++ 2.0. Do you have your functions implemented yet in Express++. I see them mentioned in your post.
I have attached a small test program that uses DC_Array2Js() and DC_Array2Xml().

Create a new \exp19\samples\web folder and unzip the attached files in that folder.
Run PBUILD RestFul.xpj.

This isn't really a Restful app but it shows how the same data can be rendered in a browse, json or xml.

Here is a CXP application that outputs data in many formats: Text, Html, Json, Xml : ... omers2.cxp
(1.21 KiB) Downloaded 919 times
(16.97 KiB) Downloaded 953 times
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Cliff Wiernik
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Re: Development of Rest API webservice access to your data.

#13 Post by Cliff Wiernik »


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