multi users in workbench

Xbase++ 2.0 Build 554 or later
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multi users in workbench

#1 Post by dougtanner »

We are finally upgrading to Alaska 2.0 and the Workbench from 1.9. I have 5 developers that maintain 23 major application and 100s of utilities. All of the source code is on a server. I am excited to go to the workbench and anticipate an increase in productivity. I have already converted all of the programs to use Alaska 2.0

Can anyone provide any hints to ensure 2 or more programmers are not updating programs in the same system at the same time. In the office, we were all close and pretty much knew what each other was working on. With the Corona virus we are all working from home and are not so physically close. We were also using Multi-Edit which locked a file when you were making changes locking other users out.

Does anyone have experience with multi-programmers using the workbench?

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Re: multi users in workbench

#2 Post by Tom »

I suggest to use git as a version control and repository management system, and in addition github with private/company repositories (_not_ open source!) to synchronize the work on the same project at several sites. There is a little learning to be done, but the benefit is great. You will be able to "branch" sub-projects and merge them later, to push and pull code versions and so on. git works great with any programming code, even with all additional information like docs, batches, table descriptions and whatever you like. There are tons of courses/tutorials available online.
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