Xbase++ and ADS

Xbase++ 2.0 Build 554 or later
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Jonathan Leeming
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Xbase++ and ADS

#1 Post by Jonathan Leeming »


With yesterdays Xbase++ 2.0.1176 release the change log had numerous items related to ADS and one in particular piqued my interest...

Ensure that the ADS DatabaseEngine passes all unit tests with the ACE32 client dlls Version 11.1 (adsdbe.dll) (W19FWL) (PDR6497)

In looking in the latest C:\Program Files (x86)\Alaska Software\xpp20\runtime folder I see they are still distributing with axcws32.dll and ace32.dll from 2003 (ADS ver 7). When I deploy my application I replace those old dll files with the newer 11.10 versions which are readily available. Anyone have an idea why Alaska continues to send out the old versions? Perhaps people are still using ADS 7???

I have thought about sending this query to Alaska but thought I'd check in here in case I missing something (it does happen!).

I also found it interesting that Alaska invested time resolving some long standing ADS issues despite Seffen's recent email where he alludes to ADS End-Of-Life.

Thanks... Jonathan

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Re: Xbase++ and ADS

#2 Post by rdonnay »

They have always included the old client DLLs and I forgot the reason they do that.
I have to replace them every time.

I don't know why Alaska refers to ADS as end-of-life. It is still being supported because SAP uses it in their in-house application, however it is not being actively marketed. Still works very good and I still recommend it.
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