BOA Presentation (Build Online Applications)
Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2022 9:37 am
Hi All,
In the week op 9 May, there will be a presentation of the BOA-platform.
Below some info about how I see the possibilities of BOA.
The presentation will be at 6PM Brussels time, I suppose this will work for some of you? If possible it will be recorded, so I can post the link afterwards. It will be on 9,10,11 or 12 May. Once the exact date is known, I will post it.
If you are interested, let me know. I will send the invitation link to take part to the online presentation as soon as everything is set.
You can visit the site to check the possibilities. The documentation is reworked at this moment and will be available soon.
In the week op 9 May, there will be a presentation of the BOA-platform.
Below some info about how I see the possibilities of BOA.
If some of you on the eXPress++ forum would be interested, they can also join.BOA is an unique application that allows you to build powerful and user friendly web applications in a quick and simple way without needing any knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript or any other webtool.
This application offers a solution to developers worldwide so you can build an online version for your existing products in no time to satisfy the needs of your customers. Thanks to BOA you can utilize the yearlong investments into your development of your business software again, and even more, you can continue to use the development environment that you’re used to.
Probably every developer who wanted to school himself into a web developer came to the conclusion that web development is a whole different world. That’s also one of the main reasons why teams who build web applications most of the time split the tasks between front-end and back-end developers. As a developer of legacy desktop applications you are both.
BOA is made for developers who most of the time create very specific applications on demand and who don’t have a whole team at their side. BOA becomes your frond-end developer and will provide the powerful, modern and responsive web application that your clients are asking for.
Thanks to BOA you’re able to offer your clients in short term a solution that utilizes modern technologies fulfilling all the client’s needs. BOA opens the door to the web application market.
The presentation will be at 6PM Brussels time, I suppose this will work for some of you? If possible it will be recorded, so I can post the link afterwards. It will be on 9,10,11 or 12 May. Once the exact date is known, I will post it.
If you are interested, let me know. I will send the invitation link to take part to the online presentation as soon as everything is set.
You can visit the site to check the possibilities. The documentation is reworked at this moment and will be available soon.