eXpress++ build 264 is released
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:35 am
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---------------- New to 2.0 (build 264) ----------
1418. XDOT.EXE and DC_Dot() now support standard Xbase++ and eXpress++
Commands and also ADS SQL statements. For example a USE command would
be entered in the Command Get and a SQL SELECT statement would be
entered in the SQL Get. To use a series of commands or statements,
they would be entered in the "Command/SQL Window" then click on the
"Command" button or the "SQL" button to execute. An ADS dictionary
connection is required to use the SQL features. The connection is set
up by clicking on the "Connect Ads" button first before using SQL
statements. The settings can be saved to the registry and will
automatically be restored when calling XDOT.EXE or DC_Dot(). Read the
README.TXT file in the .\samples\xdot folder.
1417. Added new function: DC_AdsIndexModeDefault(). This is a Get-Set
function that sets the default ADS index mode when using the
DC_AdsStatement() class for creating and executing ADS SQL statements.
It is also used by XDOT.EXE and DC_Dot() for setting up the SQL command
1416. Added new function: DC_AdsLockModeDefault(). This is a Get-Set function
that sets the default ADS locking mode when using the DC_AdsStatement()
class for creating and executing ADS SQL statements. It is also used
by XDOT.EXE and DC_Dot() for setting up the SQL command feature.
1415. Fixed a bug in @..DCBROWSE..ZEBRA that prevented the custom row color
block from displaying correctly if column color block returned a NIL.
1414. Added new function: DC_SetIconResource(). This function is used to
prevent errors that can be caused by trying to load an icon resource
with DC_GetBitMap() that is not really an icon. Xbase++ will
sometimes create an IDSC under this condition. For example, all the
icons in a RES file should be grouped within a range and that range
should be specified by DC_SetIconResource().
1413. Fixed a problem in DCPRINT ON which may sometimes cause an error if a
print job is started in the same thread as another print job that is
already running.
1412. Fixed a problem with DCMSGBOX and DC_MsgBox() that caused message items
and buttons to display incorrectly when using large fonts.
1411. DC_DbGatherLog() now supports ADSDBE as the log file. Prior versions
would cause record objects that were converted to binary to fail to be
stored correctly. Data is now stored as a HEX string to prevent
problems with high-order bytes.
1410. Added a new DCPRINT TEXT clause to the DCPRINT system. This will print
text within an area of the page. It will automatically format the text
based on the current font and wrap the text as needed. See the sample
program in .\samples\printer\printtext.prg.
1409. Added 3 new clauses to the @..DCBROWSE command:
SORTSFONT <cSortSFont> // Selected Font
SORTUFONT <cSortUFont> // UnSelected Font
SORTNFONT <cSortNFont> // NonSelectable Font
Use these clauses when using the USEVISUALSTYLE clause of @..DCBROWSE
because Visual Style does not support colors.
See the sample program: .\samples\browse\visualstyle.prg
1408. Added 3 new elements to the DC_BrowseSort() configuration array:
aSort[9] // Selected Font
aSort[10] // UnSelected Font
aSort[11] // NonSelectable Font
Use these elements when using the USEVISUALSTYLE clause of @..DCBROWSE
because Visual Style does not support colors.
See the sample program: .\samples\browse\visualstyle.prg
1407. The EXITKEY clause of @ .. DCMULTLINE may now be a numeric or a
2-element array of numeric values. The first value is the key which
will cause navigation to the next item in the getlist. The second
value is the key which will cause navigation to the previous item in
the getlist.
1406. Fixed a bug in DC_XmlNode():asString() that sometimes gives a wrong
result string. More major changes to DC_XmlNode() methods to improve
1405. Added new function: DC_AdsTableList(). This function returns an array
of tables that are in an Advantage Data Dictionary.
1404. Created new tool: XdotServer.Exe. XdotServer.Exe is an Xbase++ program
especially designed to allow programmers remote access to their data via
a web browser including dot-prompt commands and SQL statements. This
application uses Xbase 2.0 HttpEndPoint and CXP technology. Xdot.Cxp
uses the functions in the server and the eXpress+ functions to
accomplish this task. For more information read the
.\xserver\readme.txt file.
1403. DCPRINT ? now supports a list of arguments. Example: DCPRINT ? a,b,c
1402. Fixed a regression in DCPUSHBUTTONXP .. CAPTIONARRAY that causes the
font to change on mouseover if no FONT clause is used.
1401. Fixed an anomoly in DC_WorkArea2Excel() that would crash when an
exported memo field exceeded 1024 bytes in length.
1400. Fixed a bug in DCPUSHBUTTONXP .. MENUACTION that caused a runtime
error in some cases.
1399. This release now includes EXPRESS.CHM based on HtmlHelp. The old
Windows help system is no longer needed.
1398. Added support for Eastern European character set in the picture clause
of @..DCGET and @..DCSAY..GET. Thanks to Guy Willems.
1397. Fixed a bug in DCDIALOG.CH that caused the _COLUMNBREAK, _SELECT,
_CHECKED and _SEPARATOR clauses to not work with the DCSUBMENU and
DCMENUITEM commands.
1396. Fixed a bug in several eXpress++ functions that used
FClose(Fopen(cFileName)) to determine if a file could be opened. This
always worked until Windows 10. This fix will correct the problem under
Windows 10. Functions that failed would be DC_DbFile(), DC_UseArea(),
DC_TstFile() and DC_PathFound().