Search found 12 matches
- Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:28 am
- Forum: eXpress++ Support
- Topic: Bitmap sizes in DCSUBMENU/DCMENUITEM
- Replies: 1
- Views: 6713
Hey all, Having an issue with large bitmaps/icons in this combination. If I have code on the DCBROWSE (oBrowse) with a menu attached to the right-click: DCSUBMENU oMenu ; PROMPT "Open Items" ; PARENT oBrowse ; OWNERDRAW //menu items DCMENUITEM "Change" ; BITMAP dBITMAP_FILE ; PARENT oMenu ; ACTION {...
- Thu Jun 23, 2016 8:20 am
- Forum: Xbase++ Support
- Topic: Is there any way to check whether I'm connected via WLAN?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 12162
Is there any way to check whether I'm connected via WLAN?
Hey all,
Is there any way to detect whether my internet connection is connected through WLAN vs. LAN? We have certain parts of our software that should only be run through a wired interface, so I would like to warn or prevent users from using a wireless connection in certain modules.
Any ideas?
Is there any way to detect whether my internet connection is connected through WLAN vs. LAN? We have certain parts of our software that should only be run through a wired interface, so I would like to warn or prevent users from using a wireless connection in certain modules.
Any ideas?
- Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:33 pm
- Forum: eXpress++ Support
- Topic: GET_EXCEL_COLUMN_ID returns wrong column ID
- Replies: 1
- Views: 6098
GET_EXCEL_COLUMN_ID returns wrong column ID
Hey Roger, I'm not sure if this is documented anywhere, but the supporting function GET_EXCEL_COLUMN_ID() does not return the correct Excel columns value for any columns ending with a 'Z' (AZ, BZ, CZ, ...). For example, 52nd column, which should return value 'AZ', returns 'B' instead. Quick suggeste...
- Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:17 pm
- Forum: Xbase++ 2.0
- Topic: 64-Bit Microsoft Outlook and Default Mail Clients
- Replies: 10
- Views: 37719
Re: 64-Bit Microsoft Outlook and Default Mail Clients
Thanks Roger. Unfortunately, I need to use MAPI to send it out (for various reasons outside of my control). However, I'm just gonna use your DC_REG* functions to confirm that a 64-bit Outlook is running, and if so, run the Outlook with the command line: OUTLOOK.EXE /c ipm.note /a c:\attach.txt /m "s...
- Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:38 am
- Forum: Xbase++ 2.0
- Topic: 64-Bit Microsoft Outlook and Default Mail Clients
- Replies: 10
- Views: 37719
Re: 64-Bit Microsoft Outlook and Default Mail Clients
Thanks Roger, it works with Outlook (but not with Thunderbird for some reason).
But I have one extra wrench in the problem:
I need to be able to attach files to the email as well. Any ideas?
But I have one extra wrench in the problem:
I need to be able to attach files to the email as well. Any ideas?
- Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:34 am
- Forum: Xbase++ 2.0
- Topic: 64-Bit Microsoft Outlook and Default Mail Clients
- Replies: 10
- Views: 37719
Re: 64-Bit Microsoft Outlook and Default Mail Clients
Hey Roger,
Just got around to testing it.
I call:
And I get:

Any ideas?
Just got around to testing it.
I call:
Code: Select all
DC_SendMailToDefault( "", "", "Hello", "Body" )

Any ideas?
- Wed Dec 09, 2015 7:28 am
- Forum: Xbase++ 2.0
- Topic: 64-Bit Microsoft Outlook and Default Mail Clients
- Replies: 10
- Views: 37719
Re: 64-Bit Microsoft Outlook and Default Mail Clients
Thanks so much Roger, I'll test it out today.
- Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:19 am
- Forum: Xbase++ 2.0
- Topic: 64-Bit Microsoft Outlook and Default Mail Clients
- Replies: 10
- Views: 37719
64-Bit Microsoft Outlook and Default Mail Clients
Hey there! Just wondering if anyone uses their software to send out mail to the default mail client and whether you have a solution that works with 64-bit Office. At the moment, we're using an older SOCMAPI.DLL that opens up the default mail client with all the proper subjects/attachments/bodies/add...
- Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:47 am
- Forum: eXpress++ Support
- Topic: Weird scoping issue after upgrading to eXpress++ 2.0
- Replies: 2
- Views: 6358
Re: Weird scoping issue after upgrading to eXpress++ 2.0
Thanks Roger, you're the best. I'll test it out today.
- Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:19 pm
- Forum: eXpress++ Support
- Topic: Weird scoping issue after upgrading to eXpress++ 2.0
- Replies: 2
- Views: 6358
Weird scoping issue after upgrading to eXpress++ 2.0
Hey, XBase version: 1.90 build 355 eXpress version before : 1.90 build 255 eXpress version after : 2.0 build 261 This works in the old version of eXpress but not my new one. We're using the DC_SETSCOPEARRAY to set scopes everywhere. I have attached a sample program highlighting what's happening. Whe...